Motto: Upholding the Apostles’ Doctrine and Promoting Kingdom Accountability
Transnational Conclave of Bishops

Our Mission & Strategy
To follow our God-given purpose, mission and a strategy to fulfil it
Having a global overview, and time sensitivity of entering into relationships with individuals, cities and countries
Setting up regions in Europe, Americas, Africa & Asia
Becoming relevant with prophetic trends
To set up a Coordinating group and determine their Qualifications
The appointment / election of new members to the Presbytery tier & Executive tier
Any member of the tiers must be a duly consecrated Bishop with confirmed paper trail
Adjudication and Consecration responsibilities
To have an Educational component
Formal training and the ongoing development of leaders at all levels (Church & Marketplace)
Bible Schools / Ministry
Entrepreneurial & Business development training
To establish Membership levels
Acceptance of new members
Determination of membership criteria
To determine Membership dues periodically for:
General Membership